Why Help

Why Help

Proyecto Nehemías was incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry in 2014. When we began, our mission was quite simple: make some of the many excellent resources English-language from a Reformed perspective available in Spanish. We started out translating the Crucial Questions series in collaboration with Ligonier Ministries, for example. Since our beginnings, we have come to focus more and more on making works that currently inform the faith, work and economic wisdom space in English available in professional Spanish-language translation. This content is particularly important from a missiological perspective. Many regions of Spanish-speaking Latin American are moving into a post-Christendom context of ideological pluralism, secularization and at times acerbic critiques of Christianity. In this context, the role of Christians in the workplace and all spheres of society will be increasingly important.

We also focus on shorter titles related to biblical theology, such as the Short Studies in Biblical Theology by Crossway. As Dane Ortland writes, “Most of us tend to approach the Bible early on in our Christian lives as a vast, cavernous, and largely impenetrable book. We read the text piecemeal, finding golden nuggets of inspiration here and there, but remain unable to plug any given text meaningfully into the overarching storyline. Yet one of the great advances in evangelical biblical scholarship over the past few generations has been the recovery of biblical theology—that is, a renewed appreciation for the Bible as a theologically unified, historically rooted, progressively unfolding, and ultimately Christ-centered narrative of God’s work in our world to redeem sinful humanity…a widespread tendency continues to treat the Bible, in practice at least, as if it has been dropped straight down from heaven into the hands of the individual believer, a tendency that in significant ways inhibits the life and hampers the mission of the church. This series of Short Studies in Biblical Theology holds important promise of helping to remedy this situation with its goal of providing pastors and their congregations with studies of key biblical themes that will foster a growing understanding and appreciation of the redemptive-historical flow and Christ-centered focus of Scripture as a whole.”

Finally, produce titles related to whole-life discipleship, resilience in ministry and vocational stewardship for the common good.